Carl Smith
Omar Ledesma
WASHINGTON, D.C. – After more than four years of tireless effort and advocacy, the SMART Transportation Division (SMART-TD) is proud to announce the successful passage of the Railroad Employee Equity and Fairness (REEF) Act. This historic legislation, introduced in both the House and Senate, will permanently exempt Rai
The Federal Railroad Administration’s Office of Railroad Safety issued the following bulletin on Feb. 13, 2024, in response to an industry fatality earlier this year. The text is reproduced below:
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is investigating an accident that resulted in fatal injuries to a locomotive engineer during yard switching operations.
At the time of the accident, the fatally injured engineer, who had approximately 30 years of experience, was operating a locomotive on the east side of the yard and working with a conductor and brakeman to switch cars. Another crew was switching cars on the west side of the yard and had set out 35 cars.
At some point, those 35 cars from the west side of the yard track rolled uncontrolled towards the east, colliding with the locomotive, occupied by the engineer, that was located on the east yard
track switching lead. The collision ejected the engineer from the locomotive cab and the engineer succumbed to his injuries.
Although FRA’s investigation into this accident is ongoing, FRA is issuing this bulletin to remind railroads and railroad employees of the importance of ensuring rolling equipment is properly secured at all times, including ensuring:
The purpose of this Safety Bulletin, which is informal in nature, is to ensure the railroad industry, including railroad employees, are aware of this recent accident that resulted in a fatality of an employee. As FRA completes its investigation, it may take additional actions with respect to this accident.
For further information, please contact John Mayser, Operating Practices Specialist, at or (202) 493-8008.
There is a program through the FRA that allows railroad workers to report near misses without fear of any disciplinary action. This program is called C3RS (Confidential Close Call Reporting System). At this point there are several groups and railroads that participate in this system, which is led by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This program was modeled around the ASRS (Aviation Safety Reporting System), and "is designed to improve railroad safety by collecting and analyzing reports which describe unsafe conditions and events in the railroad industry." The Norfolk Southern Railroad is the FIRST Class 1 carrier to join this program. This announcement was made earlier this week and you can read about the program and NS decision to join the C3RS on the SMART website by CLICKING HERE. At this point BNSF and the Union Pacific are not partnered with this program, however it is important for our members to know that it exists and hopefully in the future more railroads will join this program.